Goal Oriented Traffic - 5 Customer Management Tips That Promote Goal Oriented Traffic Generation
How do the Marketing Gurus convince their readers to buy their products? Everybody I've talked to recently wants the answer to that question, and it's really quite simple. I'm going to tell you how to generate goal oriented traffic.
1. Get the traffic to your site.
Article Marketing offers a perfect method of bringing targeted traffic to your site. By giving your readers information about what you do in a marketing format and offering them solutions for their problems, you've created a need for more information, and implied that you have their solutions.
Give them a link to find the answers.
2. Present yourself as an Expert
Article Marketing provides your readers some insight into your expertise and knowledge about what you are all about. Give them information about your expertise and share the solutions they need for their problems. When you let them in on the fact that you understand their needs, and give them valuable solutions, they understand your expertise.
Tell them you're an expert.
3. Connect with your Reader
Article Marketing creates an intimate relationship with your reader. While you may not have met them yet, you understood their problem, suggested a solution, and offered them options to solve their problem. Your ability to interact with your reader integrates your knowledge into the reader's life. By becoming involved in your reader's life or business, they accept you as a 'friend' online.
Create an intimate relationship with your reader.
4. Show your reader where to Find Information
Article Marketing can be a really big hairy place to hang out, and you can get lost very easily. If you're knowledgeable about a topic, you obviously have resources online that provide answers for you, and you're always willing to share those with your readers. Provide links and information in your articles, on your blog, and in your website for your readers benefits.
Tell your reader where to go.
5. Give specific easy-to-follow directions
Article Marketing gives explicit directions for finding information and showing your customers what to do to accomplish their goals. Be specific and give easy-to-follow directions in your articles, on your blog, and on your website. Tell your customers exactly what you want them to do so they can accomplish the goals you set forth from the beginning, first steps to the end of your site.
Tell your reader what you want them to do.
Are you ready to fulfill your Business Goals online and Make Money while you Blog?
Labels: article marketing, goal, Jan Verhoeff, make money online, marketing, traffic, Traffic Generation, Verhoeff
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