Three Reasons To Unsubscribe To A Guru's Mailing List
As internet marketers, especially when coming up and learning how the business works, you tend to subscribe to a lot of mailing lists. You want to learn how the pros email market and how you can do it yourself. It may not be the best idea to be on, or stick with, all of your current guru subscriptions though. So when should you decide to get off a mailing list?
1. Hard sells. This is one that probably is responsible for a lot of opt-outs. When the guru you're trying to learn from continually tries to sell you things, or products he's affiliated with, it can be a quick turn off and signs this person won't teach you much, if anything. People don't like to be sold to, and there's a good chance you originally opted-in to the list to learn more, not get more sales pitches.
2. Noise. Perhaps you are subscribed to ten, twenty, or more mailing lists. With everyone telling you to do this or that, and to buy this or that, it can be hard to sort out which is one is telling you useful information and if you'll even be able to make use of, or have the time to make use of, all the information coming your way. Information overload can sorely hinder your progress, so if all you do is read email all day and think of things to do, it might be time to unsubscribe to most of your lists.
3. Pack Mentality. One good way to tell if you're on a list of a guru who is really interested in helping you is how much and how often, if ever, they push affiliate products. A good majority of people probably stay on guru lists that don't push something every email, but actually give out useful information, however small. That being said, the pack mentality comes from big product releases. If you've ever been on more than a handful of lists at one time, then one day received an email from many of the guru's you subscribed to, telling you to buy this brand, new, earth shattering, information product, it's probably time to cut some of them out of the picture as well. Receiving eight emails all pushing the same product with each guru's affiliate link inside, usually the same day, is NOT going to make me want to stay on their list longer.
It is recommended, and correct, to only listen to a few of the professionals. Find out which guru(s) you really connect with and that you can really trust then unsubscribe to all the rest. You will probably still receive the pack mentality emails every now and then, but the benefit is that you'll get focused information on an aspect you can improve on in internet marketing. If you're still not receiving the information you want or feel you should be getting, unsubscribe to more until you are.
Labels: autoresponders, email marketing, guru, internet marketing, online marketing, opt in list
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