Stop Suffering... And Start Partnering For Massive Success
Marketing information over the Internet can be a lonely, challenging, and even frustrating experience... especially if you are not familiar with all the steps of the process.
But there's a simple solution. Work together with partners.
If you are not an excellent writer, but have knowledge and core expertise to share in your topic or subject area, you could partner with a recognized writer and enter into a co-authoring arrangement. This would also work if you join forces with another writer to create a joint project which spans areas each of you are experts in.
There are some key points to consider and keep in mind while you work on co-authorship projects or joint ventures where each partner handles a different aspect of the project.
Find partners with complementary skills
Look for folks who are good at things you either don't know or don't want to do. Ideally, the strengths of your team should complement your own - and make up for any weakness the collective group might have.
If you are an excellent software developer, but have no clue about writing great sales copy or marketing your product, you could team up with a copywriter and marketing expert. You could each share a third of the profits.
While at first blush this might seem unfair, always remember this - it is better to own 5% of a gold mine rather than 100% of a gold nugget!
Hammer out details of the joint venture
Clearly spell out tasks and responsibilities of each member in your team. Neglecting this important step can cause a lot of heartbreak and frustration down the line.
In addition to tasks and actions, also list out time frames within which the individual components need to be completed, and detail the profit sharing formula you agree to accept. Later on, when your product goes on to break records in sales, you don't want your moment of joy and glory to be marred by unpleasant disputes with your partners who made it all possible.
Designate a Project Leader
Nowhere is this more important than in online networking projects where the team members may be anywhere in the world, never meet face to face to review progress and might have completely different work ethics, standards and attitudes.
The role of the project leader would be to co-ordinate activities among members, review and monitor progress, and get everyone moving together to get the project to fruition.
Follow through to close - and set up follow ups
Make sure the joint project gets completed on schedule - and everyone of your partners delivers on his or her side of the bargain. Once your project is finished, get closure by thanking and appreciating your team members' contributions.
If all went well, and you are inclined to organize another follow up project, this is the best time to sound out your partners and see if they are interested. A winning team could be one of your biggest assets as an infopreneur, allowing you the flexibility and freedom to leverage everyone's strongest skills and reap rich rewards.
Labels: information+business, internet+infopreneur, internet+marketing, niche+marketing, online+marketing
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