An Overview of Gauher Chaudry's "The Pay Per Click Formula"
What is "The Pay Per Click Formula"?
Gauher Chaudhry's "The Pay Per Click Formula" is a home study course which teaches PPC marketers how to profit online by driving pay per click traffic to CPA lead offers, otherwise known as PPC to CPA marketing. This is a fairly new business model that very few online marketers know about, and even less are practicing. But as word spreads about The Pay Per Click Formula (and PPC to CPA marketing in general), I believe that more and more internet marketers will include this type of marketing into their business plans.
Is Gauher Chaudhry's "The Pay Per Click Formula" For Everybody?
In a word, no. While The Pay Per Click Formula does cover the basics of opening various PPC search engine accounts and how to sign up with CPA networks, I would say that this home study course is probably better left for those marketers who have had at least a few months of experience with pay per click advertising and how to build basic html landing pages. My advice is to have elementary knowledge of
-how to write ads
-how to manage adgroups
-how to append subid's to your affiliate links
-how to track revenue versus adspend
-how to code html or use an html editor
In addition, you should be aware of the time you need to invest to get your traffic brokering business up and running. There is a learning curve involved, and you definitely wouldn't want the 60-day guarantee to expire before you even get your hands dirty.
If you DO have a bit of pay per click advertising experience under your belt and are interested in learning how Gauher Chaudhry made $159,000 in affiliate commissions in just one month, this course could be of great benefit. I personally was able to expand my knowledge of PPC marketing as well as get that little push I needed to easily overcome the rather intimidating learning curve. The course includes:
-6 training manuals
-6 CD's to accompany the manuals
-2 DVD's which contain footage of Gauher Chaudhry teaching his course at a seminar
In addition, weekly teleseminars are held where users have the opportunity to ask Gauher Chaudhry about any aspect of the course. Gauher is very personable, honest, and straight-forward. And he is more than happy to answer any and all questions posed to him, which really says something about his faith that his course works. There aren't many internet marketing gurus will actually go online and field live questions from their customers.
In my opinion, The Pay Per Click Formula is a great introduction to PPC to CPA marketing. With so little information online about this monetization model, it was a welcome offering from an honest person who knows the business inside and out.
I hope this short overview gave you a bit more insight into the program, and helped answer any questions you may have had about The Pay Per Click Formula.
Labels: cost per acquisition, course, cpa, gauher chaudhry, pay per click formula, ppc, traffic brokering
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